The Society for Standards Professionals (SES) attracts skilled people, provides them with training and guidance, and supports them in their standardization careers.

Through engagement with colleges and universities, the SES provides resources to students interested in a career in standards development and assists them in enhancing their skills. The SES helps professionals become great leaders and experts in the field of standards and is a pipeline for a successful career in standards development.
Are you involved in developing procedures, methods, technical specifications, guides, or other documents in consensus with other experts? If yes, then you are on the road to becoming an outstanding standardization professional and the SES is here for you.
The SES will help you learn the skills needed to excel in standards work, from writing your first voluntary consensus standard to standing up your very own standards developing organization (SDO).
SES is not just for those working at SDOs, we help technical committee, working 有些国外网络进不了怎么办 我想进国外的网站可是进:2021-6-13 · 1.网站进不去原因就多了,你自己的网速问题,你的电脑设置问题,你的软件设置(防火墙)等等,对方网站是否正常运行,是否访问用户太多,是否网络有问题等等, 2.互联网的概念是互相连通,所众不管什么国家哪一台计算机,理论上连接...
The SES will assist you in training and certifying your staff with our SES Certification Program.
Visit our Career Center or advertise open positions through the SES monthly E-Newsletter. Attend SES conferences to network with students and standards professionals looking for that next great opportunity.
Join the SES today and begin your journey.